Curiosity | Love | Adventure

Curiosity | Love | Adventure

Andy Middleton
20th June 2017

Curiosity, Love, Adventure. Simple words lie at the heart of TYF Adventure‘s purpose, capturing a desire to inspire a wonder of nature and community, a love for life and all living things, and a sense of adventure as compass for imagining and doing what others think is impossible. 

My three decades as a Director at the amazing TYF came to an end earlier this Spring as Sarah Middleton and I happily, and humbly, handed over the reins as TYF entered a new era as an employee-owned business. 

51% of the shares in the new business are now held by an Employee Ownership Trust, and all decisions.With unfaltering and patient legal help from Patrick Andrews and the team at Wales Co-operative Centre, TYF’s new Directors, Samantha Minas, John Byrom and Jeff Loo are supported by an amazing team and equally passionate and professional freelance adventure guides and HQ staff who work with TYF seasonally.

cave kayaking

TYF’s goals are built on hope and radical pragmatism. Thousands more young people will grow towards better futures with learning challenges set by fellow B Corps, Unreasonable Impact & the DO lectures businesses. The adventures that the TYF was built on – coasteering, sea kayaking, surfing and climbing continue to be the attractors as TYF run its dating agency for nature through adventures on this wild coast. With the help of Patagonia, Thought, Sherpa Adventure Gear UK and other positive suppliers, TYF continues to explore the boundaries of ethical clothing, circular economy and #WornWear.

TYF’s work on enterprise stays focused on helping good companies grow, reinventing business models and building sustainable innovation into the DNA of work.

My new role is as Chief Exploration Officer, searching out new possibilities and projects and extending TYF’s already vibrant networks. To start that process, Sarah & I are fitted out a Mercedes Sprinter and headed to Spain & Portugal for a couple of months of writing, walking, surf & coast time. 

Curiosity, love & adventure were at the heart our own journey, and will be central to everything we do going forwards. Finding crafty ways of using the driftwood we found on Galician beaches to build our van kitchen was just the start ; )