August Clothes Swap

August Clothes Swap

Refresh your wardrobe and help fight climate change. 
Join us at TYF for the August Clothes Swap

Give your old clothes a new life and a new home whilst you do the same with somebody else’s.

Join us at the TYF Shop on the 12th of August at 19:30 where we will be hosting yet another Clothes Swap. 

Clothes Swaps are an event which familiarises folks with another way of reusing garments and accessories – swapping clothes with friends and strangers. Attendees will have the opportunity to swap clothes with one another, socialize and learn about the impact the fashion industry has on the planet!

Rummage through your wardrobe and bring along any unwanted clothes

(please ensure garments are clean) 

At 7:30 we will layout all clothes on the shop floor and allow attendees to sift through all the goodies, their are changing room facilities to try clothes on and anything left over at the end of the night will be donated to The British Red Cross.

Please bring along drinks and nibbles. 

That’s how much water you and I will drink over 3 years! 

Making clothing takes a huge amount of resources. And sadly, so much of our clothing ends up in landfill! 

Change clothes not the climate!

For more information on the event check it out on the

 TYF Adventure facebook page.